Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Handsome Mom

Do you ever start something and just never finish?

I once started a blog called The Handsome Mom and didn't get past the first post. I got great reviews ... from my husband. He complimented me and I felt that that was enough. I didn't feel the need to share it with anyone because I got raving reviews from him. I'm a "words of affirmation" kind of woman and his words filled my tank. So, I stopped.

Writing is my way of expressing thoughts pent up in my brain .... some I never realized I had 'til I put pen to paper. I articulate myself best in this form. Creating imagery with words is enjoyable. Academic papers, silly song lyrics, policies and procedures. All are fun.

Recently, I find I'm being more affirmed in my skills through my activities at work and see how sharing this gift can be a blessing to others. Then I saw an announcement in the church bulletin ... 

There it is - my joy of writing can be a blessing to others. So, this is my attempt of getting over myself and out of my head. Because, maybe someone might need to read these very words or just find some comedic relief in the midst of a hectic day. 

I think this gift has been entrusted to me for a particular reason. In fact, it reminds me of the talents (a form of money) that were entrusted to a wealthy man's servants a long time ago. Some of the servants put the master's talents to work and bore fruit ... some a lot and some a little. One servant just hid it and bore no fruit. Was he ashamed? Embarrassed? Lazy? Actually, he was afraid.

Fear. It can be crippling. Damaging. Painful. For this fearful servant, what he had was taken away.

The full story can be found in the Bible, in Matthew, about halfway through the physical book. Chapter 25:14-30. I read it again just now and it has given me motivation to finish what I have started.

I want my "talent" to bear fruit. So, I will share it, cultivate it, watch it grow and allow God to use me through it as I enter into the joy of the Lord . 

What have you started and need to finish?

- The Handsome Mom